It was pointed out to me, that my rant yesterday didn't include as much math as I normally would, so I thought I'd dig into the changes a bit deeper. To do so, I'm going to use the same single target fight I looked at yesterday, since we've already done some of the work with it.
As was shown, we'd be looking at doing a total of 84 ticks of serpent sting under the new mechanic, as opposed to the 235 ticks on live. But there are some other things that will curb that loss. Mainly, the mastery buff.
If I go through all of the shots that are affected by SV's mastery, I can fairly easily readjust how much damage would have been done with the increased mastery. (On a mostly separate topic, I often forget about how amazing the commutative and associative properties of multiplication are. I mean, I'll even question whether they're still true or not, as though perhaps math has changed since the last spreadsheet I got. Fortunately, they still work. Thank the math gods). The individual abilities would look like this:
Ability | w/ 0 Mastery | Old Mast | New Mast |
Serpent Sting | 8295.7 | 10374.1 | 10768.95 |
Arcane Shot | 13107.2 | 16391.2 | 17015.07 |
Black Arrow | 8209.5 | 10266.3 | 10657.05 |
Explosive Shot | 6164.4 | 7708.8 | *6958.44 |
*Note that I also included the 15% nerf to Explosive Shot.
After looking at by how much each ability is affected, we can use the same percent to affect the totals, giving us a new total damage, and therefor a new DPS. What we get for the log pictured above, is about a 3.8% increase in damage to Serpent Sting, Arcane Shot and Black Arrow, and a 10.8% nerf to Explosive Shot (the reason ES looks funny, is when blizzard says "15% less", they mean the damage done divided by 1.15, not the damage done multiplied by 1 minus .15). It's worth mentioning, I suppose, that these numbers are particular to the individual hunter in these logs. As many hunters will have different amounts of mastery, the increase in mastery's effectiveness will affect them differently.
The changes to total damage done by these abilities will then look like this:
Ability | Old | New |
Serpent Sting | 2440k | 904k |
Arcane Shot | 1460k | 1516k |
Black Arrow | 1030k | 1069k |
Explosive Shot | 1710k | 1544k |
The total of 9.88 million damage has gone down to about 8.27 million, a total loss of 6,354 DPS, which is, for those not wanting to do the math in their heads, a 19.4% nerf overall.
Of course, this doesn't mean we're getting a (almost) 20% nerf to our damage. Our stat priorities will change, and our rotation will change, so that we can better utilize the new mechanics. However, adjusting playstyle will no come anywhere close to making up for the huge nerf.
As I mentioned yesterday, this is still very early in the testing process, hopefully Blizzard either didn't realize how huge the serpent sting change was, or even better, they have a plan for something even more awesome that they just haven't added yet, which will bring SV hunters back up to their rightful place as glorious Damage Dealers.