These are some of my favorite blogs, channels and resources.
Get involved:
Warcraft Hunters Union: One day we'll revive the WHU...SimC: Not so hunter specific, but still a good resource.
Petopia: Has all the information you need re: hunter companions.
Hunter Soloing: Guides to soloing previous (and some current) Raid Bosses.
Azortharion's Hunter Guide: The hunter guide for progression raiders. (more guides here)
The Hunting Party Podcast: Hunter Specific Podcast.Durendil Le Hunt: Amazing hunter soloing.
Shottenheim: Amazing hunter soloing.
NCPRicket: Great explanations of top tier hunter performance.
Bellular Gaming: General WoW videos, created by a hunter.
Signs of Kelani: General WoW and Hunter specific PvE content
Alternative Chat - Blogs about WoW in general, but mains a hunter. Calls cookies biscuits.Aspect of the Dragonhawk - Retired Raider and Guild Officer, still rep'ing hunters.
Aspect of the Hare - Supporting Elves with guns since 2007.
The Brewhall - Long time hunter, inspiration for the in game item Dark Brew Lager, and cohost of the hunting party podcast.
Esoth's Blog - seldom updated, often insightful, hunter from Something Wicked.
Eyes of the Beast - Long time Canadian hunter, author of Locked and Loaded on Blizzard Watch, formerly Scattered Shots on WoWInsider, and cohost of the Hunting Party Podcast.
The Grumpy Elf - Before I started Thrill of the Wild, I would make long, almost-bl0g-posts in replies to some of Grumpy's posts. Long time hunter. Check out: Playing "Good" DPS, and A Casual Misconception.
Hunter DPS - Long time hunter blogger, seldom updated these days.
Hunters Rhok - Phyllixia has been blogging about hunters since 2008. Possibly the longest running still active hunter site.
Jade Forest - Jademcian is one of the major contributors to the hunter module of SimCraft, and he's always way more up to date on info than I.
LolSurvival - Bond over your love of Survival, or mourn its death, I guess it's up to you.
Misdirections - Perhaps the most consistently updated hunter blog, despite the end-of-the-xpac content lull.
Cutting-edge Hunter Streams:
World's top Hunter Raiders:
Rogerbrown <Method - Twisting Nether (eu)>Devai <Paragon - Lightning's Blade (eu)>
Cliperlol - <Midwinter - Sargeras>
Ricket - <Obscure Reference - Mal'Ganis>
Azortharion - <Danish Terrace - Sylvanas (eu)>
Multi-Glad Hunter PvPers:
Dillypoo - <Eat Sleep PvP - Sargeras>Jellybeanz - <Do your Dance - Darkspear>
Jaydizzleqt - <Do my Dance - Darkspear>
Souken - <Solari Gaming - Aegwynn (eu)>
World First Hunter Soloers:
Shoot - <Nightmare Asylum - Mug'thol>Introductions to Theorycrafting:
TC101: Intro to Theorycrafting (Theck)
TC101: Experimental Design (Theck)
TC101: Testing Simulationcraft (Theck)
TC101: How Stats are Calculated (Theck)
Theorycrafting 101: Calculating Coefficients (Frostheim)
Theorycrafting 101: Gathering Data Part 1 (Frostheim)
Theorycrafting 101: Gathering Data Part 2 (Frostheim)
Theorycrafting 101: Some Comments on Testing (Frostheim)